

Connecting Europe

Electricity transmission networks, once developed purely for national requirements, have become increasingly interconnected across Europe, creating one of the largest electricity transmission systems in the world. The system enables the operation of the Internal Energy Market (IEM), requiring coordinated actions of all Member States in terms of its development and operation.

To facilitate the integration of the IEM, individual Transmission System Operators (TSOs) cooperate under the umbrella of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for electricity (ENTSO-E) when developing new infrastructure assets. ​

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What's the role of ACER?

ACER plays a crucial role in overseeing all aspects of network development by:

  • Reviewing the​ draft Union–wide Ten-year Network Development Plan prepared by ENTSO-E every two years, assessing its consistency with the national Ten-year Network Development Plans, and monitoring its implementation

  • Coordinating National Regulatory Authorities' work on establishing and making publicly available a set of indicators and reference values of unit investment costs of infrastructure projects

  • Supporting the selection of priority projects in Europe, by providing its views on the biennial draft regional lists of Projects of Common Interest, and by monitoring annually their implementation

  • Monitoring the implementation of the Inter-TSO compensation mechanism

  • Deciding on some cross-border issues, such as the allocation of the investment costs of projects of common interest or on granting exemptions from third party access in case NRAs fail to agree

  • Striving towards efficient and cost reflective network tariffs, by reviewing the appropriateness of transmission charges to be paid by generators and identifying best practices of transmission and distribution tariff methodologies

  • Ensuring the efficient use of congestion revenues, by approving the methodology proposed by all TSOs

  • Providing views on ENTSO-E's work planning and Innovation activities​