Balancing Energy Platforms

Implementation of methodologies related to the establishment of EU's balancing platforms

Implementation frameworks for balancing platforms

The Electricity Balancing (EB) Regulation governs the establishment of three different balancing platforms by requiring Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to propose implementation frameworks.

Those frameworks include:

  • governance structure

  • processes for operating the platform

  • timeline for its development.


RR platform

mFRR platform

aFRR platform

Imbalance Netting (IN) process platform

What is it about?

Each TSO using balancing energy from replacement reserves (RR) to balance its system can use this platform to activate bids from across Europe (instead of activating only bids from service providers connecting to its system).

Therefore, the platform allows TSOs to exchange balancing energy from replacement reserves with neighbouring TSOs.

Each TSO using balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation (mFRR) for balancing its system can use this platform to activate bids from across Europe (instead of activating only bids from balancing service providers connecting to its system).

Therefore, the platform allows TSOs to exchange balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation with its neighbouring TSOs.

Each TSO using balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation (aFRR) for balancing its system can use this platform to activate bids from across Europe (instead of activating only bids from balancing service providers connecting to its system).

Therefore, the platform allows TSOs to exchange balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation with its neighbouring TSOs.

Through this platform, TSOs avoid the simultaneous activation of frequency restoration reserves in opposite directions by netting their demand for balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves.


Legal basis

Article 19(1) of the EB Regulation

Article 20(1) of the EB Regulation

Article 21(1) of the EB Regulation

Article 22(1) of the EB Regulation


all TSOs performing the reserve replacement (RR) process (pursuant to Part IV of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485)

all TSOs

all TSOs

all TSOs

Current status

The implementation framework was approved by the relevant regulatory authorities in August 2021.

The implementation framework was approved by ACER in January 2020.

The implementation framework was approved by ACER in January 2020.

The implementation framework was approved by ACER in June 2020.


The RR platform is operational:

  • since January 2020 with TSOs of Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Spain and Italy

  • the Polish TSO is expected to start using the platform in 2021.

The deadline for implementation is July 2022.

Based on the latest information from TSOs, the platform is expected to be operational in February 2022.

The deadline for implementation is in July 2022.

Based on the latest information from the TSOs, the platform is expected to be operational in February 2022.

The European platform for imbalance netting process is operational and all TSOs apart from those of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania are using the platform.

The Greek TSO, although is an operational member, does not net any imbalances with other TSOs participating in the International Grid Control Cooperation (IGCC).

Related Documents

Latest approved implementation framework for the RR.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.

Latest approved implementation framework for the mFRR platform.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.

Latest approved implementation framework for the aFRR platform.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.

Latest approved implementation framework for the IN platform.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.

Find out more on the implementation of the European balancing platforms on ENTSO-E's website.  


Activation purposes of balancing energy bids 

What is it about?

Transmission System Operators (TSOs) receive standard product balancing energy bids from service providers, which they forward to the European platforms for exchanging balancing energy.

These balancing energy bids shape the common merit order list (ranking of available bids) for each platform and can be activated by the respective platform to satisfy TSOs’ balancing energy demand. Each TSO can activate any of these bids for satisfying system constraints.

Legal basis: Article 29(3) of the EB Regulation

Responsibility: all TSOs

Current status: The methodology was approved by ACER in June 2020.

Implementation: Each TSO should implement this classification methodology, once they join the respective European platform.

Read more on the latest approved methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing energy bids.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.


Pricing of balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity

What is it about?

TSOs receive standard product balancing energy bids from service providers, which they forward to the European platforms for exchanging balancing energy. Each platform activates the most cost-efficient balancing energy bids to satisfy TSOs’ balancing energy demand. The balancing energy price is set according to the marginal pricing principle. These balancing energy prices represent also a reference for pricing the cross-zonal capacity used in the balancing energy’s exchange by each platform. 

Legal basis: Article 30(1) of the EB Regulation

Responsibility: all TSOs

Current status: The methodology was approved by ACER in January 2020.

Implementation: Each TSO should implement this methodology once they join the respective European platform for the exchange of balancing energy. The European platform for the exchange of balancing energy form replacement reserves applied a different pricing methodology (as it became operation before the ACER Decision 01/2020). However, the TSOs using this platform should implement this methodology by 1st July 2022.

Read more on the latest approved methodology for pricing balancing energy.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.


Cross-zonal capacity calculation methodology

What is it about?

The capacity calculation methodology describes how TSOs calculate the available cross-zonal capacity for the exchange of balancing energy or for operating the imbalance netting process within the balancing timeframe. The methodology complies with network security standards.

The process consists of the following steps:

  • TSOs define capacity calculation inputs – i.e. common grid models

  • The inputs are used by regional coordination centres to calculate the available amount of cross-zonal capacities either by using a flow-based or coordinated Net Transmission Capacity (NTC) approach, depending on the respective region.

Legal basis: Article 37(3) of the EB Regulation

Responsibility: all TSOs in each capacity calculation region

Current status: Proposals for this methodology need to be submitted from the TSOs of each capacity calculation region by December 2022.

Implementation: No implementation timeline available yet.